The Area / Things To Do
The small village of Carradale is within easy walking distance. The Carradale Hotel serves meals in the bar and also a la carte meals in the restaurant. The Ashbank Guest House in the village serves meals. The Carradales and the Glen Pub at the edge of the village also serve meals. There is a Post Office and Gift Shop close to the Glen. There is a small well stocked shop outside the Village Hall The Heritage Centre on the way into the village has a tea room and offers bicycles for hire.
Carradale Bay is a long sandy beach, perfect for walking, with or without a dog, and collecting shells along the tide line. The harbour is home to a small fishing fleet, and some evenings when they land their catch you can buy fresh fish direct from the boats. The local speciality is langoustine which are delicious.
There are countless beautiful walks as well as the Kintyre Way which enables one to walk the whole length of the peninsular.
There are four golf courses offering different challenges – Carradale is a tricky nine hole course situated in the village, Dunaverty is an eighteen hole course situated in Southend at the base of the peninsular a short but challenging course with superb views, Macrihanish is an eighteen hole championship links course and Macrihanish Dunes is another challenging eighteen hole links course.
Kintyre must offer some of the best scenery in Scotland ranging from the mountains peaks of Arran from the east and views of Ireland from the west. There are countless rocky beaches and golden sandy bays all around the peninsular offering a variety of scenic walks with a huge amount of wildlife to observe and enjoy. There are also walks up the hills to gain superb views across the Kilbranan Sound or Atlantic. The Kintyre way is a well planned walk along the whole of Kintyre starting at Tarbet. There are many historical sites and places of interest to visit.
Pony Trekking is available at Peninver and Tarbet.